
A Dark Road in Louisiana
by Charles Moffat

Born of Blood and Ice
by Charles Moffat

by BardLyre

Empire: Capital
by Tim Goff

Empire: Country
by Tim Goff

Empire: Estate
by Tim Goff

Empire: Judgment
by Tim Goff

Empire: Metropolis
by Tim Goff

Empire: Spiral
by Tim Goff

Empire: The Complete Collection
by Tim Goff

Eye of the Devil
by Charles Moffat

by Jendra Berri

Fire of Life
by Luna Alva

Folly of the Forlorn
by Charles Moffat

by Ian Thomas Healy

Pariah's Moon
by Ian Thomas Healy

Pariah's War
by Ian Thomas Healy

Peasant Magazine, Issue 1

Peasant Magazine, Issue 2

Portal of Destiny
by Charles Moffat

Reincarnated in a Fantasy World with Murderous Intent - Book 1: Baby Steps
by Neil Hartley

Roast Wyvern (and Other Recipes)
by Ian Thomas Healy

Shadows Unveiled
by T. A. McEvoy

by Arin Lee Kambitsis

Tales of Another World
Book One by Jeffrey J. Hoy

Tales of Another World
Book Two by Jeffrey J. Hoy

Tales of Another World
Book Three by Jeffrey J. Hoy

Ten Tales of Scottish Folklore
by Alistair Grant

The Adventures of the Bogatyr
by Charles Moffat

The Assassin's Trail
by Charles Moffat

The Blizzard's Daughter
by Charles Moffat

The Coven's Wolves
by Charles Moffat

The Cult of the She-Bear
by Charles Moffat

The Demon's Sacrifice
by Charles Moffat

The Den of Stone
by Roger Sandri

The Dragontree of Kaŝe
by Charles Moffat

The Dragonslayers of Kaŝe
by Charles Moffat

The Exorcist's Dagger
by Charles Moffat

The Frost Giant's Tomb
by Charles Moffat

The Girl Who Sang To Dragons
by Luke Courtney

The Scarlet Arena
by Charles Moffat

The Secret Humankind
by Gloria Oliver

The Sunken Castle
by Charles Moffat

The Wanderer Cycle
by Charles Moffat

The Wicked Phoenix
by T. A. McEvoy

The Wings of Ashtaroth
by Steve Hugh Westenra

Trees of Stone
by Sean Mooney

Vacari's Resurgence: Healing Bonds
by T. A. McEvoy

Wind Weaver of Dreams
by Luna Alva

Ys the Fallen
by S. C. Vincent

Are you a fantasy author looking to promote your books?

Join Arcane Tomes by emailing

Membership is Free. You must be an indie fantasy author with at least 1 published work.

Fantasy Literary Magazines are also welcome, so long as they accept work from indie fantasy authors.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Call for Submissions to Online Fantasy Bookstore

Literary magazines (eg. Peasant Magazine) sometimes do a "Call for Submissions" in which they are looking for authors to submit their short stories, flash fiction, novellas and sometimes even pulp fiction length novels for publication in their magazine/journal.

In the case of "Arcane Tomes", which is more of a website pretending to be a bookstore (or is it a bookstore which links to other websites for purchasing options?), we are looking for indie fantasy authors to submit their books so that the authors of those books can then get free advertising in our online bookstore (of sorts).

We are looking for authors who write in all branches and subgenres of fantasy, including but not limited to:

We haven't received any Romantasy or Spicy Fantasy submissions yet, but we will. Those two subgenres are very popular. Likewise we are also looking for Science Fantasy submissions, Horror Fantasy, Grimdark Fantasy, etc. If it is a subgenre that has Fantasy in the name, we want it listed here.

The only real issue is that we only accept submissions from Indie Fantasy Authors. Traditional published authors who already have their books in brick-and-mortar bookstores need not apply.

Our goal is to provide an easy way for readers to browse their favourite subgenres and easily connect with indie authors that they've never heard of before.

What You Get

Submitting your book(s) nets you:

  • Your book(s) gets listed on our Bookshelf.
  • One free post in our Updates section.
  • Your book(s) will be listed in various subgenre categories, and in the future additional bookshelves dedicated to specific subgenres of fantasy.

And you can always submit more books later. You don't have to submit all your books at once. In fact, there are benefits to only submitting 1 to 3 books at a time, because you will get multiple posts in the updates section if you spread them out a bit.

How to Submit

Email with the following:

  • Description(s) of your book(s).
  • About the Author biography.
  • Low resolution images of your book covers, preferably 200 pixels in width.

That's it. We will take care of the rest and notify you when your book has been added to our Bookshelf section.

Marketing Notes was registered on August 8th and five days later it is already placing 28th place on a Google search for the keywords arcane tomes. Obviously we can do better than that, which is why we will be unleashing our volunteer SEO marketing guru to help boost the website and asking authors to help promote on social media, blogs, etc.

We also want to rank for the keywords online fantasy bookstore and online fantasy bookshop. We're not in the top 100 for those keywords yet, but that is a long term goal. There's a reason we put those keywords in the title.

We will be periodically checking the rankings for those keywords to see how well the marketing is going. Every little bit helps.


August 14th - is now ranking 25th place for the key words arcane tomes. Up 3 places from a day earlier.

August 21st - is now ranking 20th place for the key words arcane tomes. Up 5 places from a week earlier.

August 28th - is now ranking 18th place for the key words arcane tomes. Up 2 places from a week earlier. (Note: Exact ranking may vary upon the individual. We also checked on a cellphone, and placed 16th for the same keywords, thus showing there is sometimes a rankings discrepancy based upon the user.)

Additional Notes:

August 28th - We have decided to add some extra target key words.

online fantasy bookstore 

online fantasy bookshop

indie fantasy bookstore

indie fantasy bookshop

indie fantasy books

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